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Search Results for "Talk: Spatial theta-phase coding in the lateral septum: a theory of allocentric feedback during nav…"
Talk: Spatial theta-phase coding in the lateral septum: a theory of allocentric feedback during nav…
Hippocampal ensembles represent the sequential order of non-spatial events | Keiland Cooper
Talk: A phase code for human amygdala-hippocampal theta-gamma interplay determines emotional memory…
Coding of space and time in the entorhinal cortex – Michael Hasselmo
Precisely timed theta oscillations for memory encoding | Dr.Ipshita Zutshi | 2022
allocentric and egocentric location representation
BeMoBIL Colloquial Talk: Dr. Mike X Cohen
Neuroscientists Talk Shop: Sachin Deshmukh on spatial maps & complexity in the hippocampal network
Faculty Lecture Series - Joni Wallis
Nachum Ulanovsky: Neural codes for 2-D and 3-D space in the hippocampal formation of bats
Michael Hasselmo on Neuromodulation and cortical function - Part 1
Nachum Ulanovsky on Spatial cells in the hippocampal formation - PART II